Guest Lists Report

The Guest Lists command opens the In-House Guest List screen and allows you to generate the Guest Name List, a report showing all guests that are currently In House (FOL status). The report shows the room number, guest name, guest type, origin code, segment type, company, expected method of payment, name of the package plan, rate plan, room rate charged, the number of adults/children/youths/pets in the room, the booking name (if the guest is associated with a booking) and the Guest ID in Skyware. If desired, you can choose to suppress rate information on the report, which will remove the expected method of payment and the room rate entries. You can select to also have any associated comments shown, and the expected date of departure. The Guest name List is by default generated by alphabetical order of guest last name, you can however choose to have it generated by room number instead, and the list may separated by building if wished to aid in efficient viewing of a large amount of data.

The Guest List command in the Room Reports section of the Reports Area opens the In-House Guest List screen and allows you to generate a Report to your specifications.

Note: The Guest Lists Report is also included in the Emergency Reports feature (which is designed to be used in the event that your system needs to go down for a short period of time, providing quick access to pre-configured reports, and includes those typically needed for the staff to operate manually), and a version is included in the Arrivals, Stayovers and Departures Report.



Date Updated February 15, 2022